Wednesday, November 16, 2011

57 Days to Go!!

Looks like we are ready to go except for packing for the trip,which is going to fun figuring out what we can take. We are holding it to taking a total of 5 suitcases and one carry-on plus my computer. No problem on leaving as we are driving to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to board the ship. On the return we have made arrangement to ship two suitcases (50 pounds each) home from Venice, Italy using FedEx. We will abandon one suitcase that should be empty because we are taking all our essentials such as shampoo, hair spray, soaps,drug and etc. Plus we will leave some of our clothing for needy people in some of the cities we visit.
We got our passports back today with our Visas for China and India. All other Visas will be obtained by Princess. Air has been purchased for our flight home from Venice to Dublin, then to New York City. We have hotel reservation for our stay in Dublin. Our rental cars have been reserved for the trip down to Florida and from New York City home in May 2012.
So all we have to do is wait and enjoy the Holidays with family and friends.
No one seem to have a problem finding the blog. A few have signed up as followers and will probably be notified of new posts, all others will have to periodically check for new post. This will most likely be the last post until we leave here around January 6, 2012.

Happy Holidays to everyone,
Bill & Betty         