Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sailing to Singapore

March 27

Woke up this morning feeling a little refreshed. After breakfast Betty did the laundry, it was very crowed, probably since people are getting off. But she was unharmed but it wasn’t pretty. Only one lecture today by the former Ambassador Douglas Hartwick titled “A Diplomat’s Life in a Crazy World. I went just to break up the afternoon. We did trivia this morning for the same reason.

We had Lobster tail for dinner again last night. Tonight the show was The Action Comedy of Thien Fu. He was a juggler/comedian and fairly funny. We lost a hour sleep today as we move the clock forward for the first time on this cruise. There is now a 12 hours difference from Cleveland time.

March 28

We actually slept until 6:30 this morning due to the time change. I have pledged not to eat any more lobster as it made me sick, probably all the butter I ate at dinner. Let’s just say I am thinner today. Today we had a port talk on Singapore. We have been here before and did most of the tourist things like have a Singapore Sling at Raffles where it was invented. We won’t do that again for two reasons, the first being they were not that good and second because they charge $30.00 for one drink.

We had the last Scholarship at Sea talk with Mark Harrington titled Modern Warfare-Computer Technology. It was very interesting and informative. Tonight’s dinner included Baked Alaska as it is the last night for over half the people on the ship. We were shocked that half the ship was disembarking in Singapore. We are losing our trivia partners so we will look for a new team. Betty went to the show and saw the Pacific Princess Choir, I returned to the room hoping the internet was working and it wasn’t. It has been out for over a day. I feel sorry for the people getting off in the morning and being unable to confirm flight information.

All day today we maintained a southerly courses, paralleling the coast of the Malaysian Peninsula.