Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter to Everyone

April 8                           BunnyHappy Easter! Bunny

Easter Bunny gif


April 8                     Happy Easter to everyone!!

Early this morning we altered our course to a north westerly heading as we transit the Arabian Sea. Went to breakfast this morning, then to trivia. Betty wanted to go to Easter Brunch at noon so I finally gave in.  We sat with a new couple and had a 2 hour conversation with them, it was very enjoyable. It was Formal Night, at least there was a theme this time. We actually had a traditional Easter dinner with ham and rack of lamb, although with the Italian chef’s twist. This will be our last formal night as we are skipping the last one and will start packing two of our suitcases for shipment home.


All Chocolate Easter Display in the Pacific Princess Atrium