Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sailing to Salalah, Oman

April 14

After exiting the Straits of Hormuz, we entered the Gulf of Oman and settled on a south-easterly course. Tonight at approximately 9:30 p.m. we will round Ra’s A Hadd on the east coast of Oman then alter onto a southerly course as we enter the Arabian Sea.

After a decent nights sleep, we both still feel tired. Betty seems to be improving, we intend to relax all day. My eyes are still irritated from the sand. We sure hope Oman doesn’t have a sand storm. I did trivia this morning, Betty sat out and returned to the cabin to rest.

We had a Scholarship at Sea lecture today by a new lecturer named John Renninger, he is a UN official and adjunct professor at NYU. The talk today was “Why are we in Afghanistan & How do we get out”.  Later we had port talk on Salalah, Oman, our next port of call. I played trivia in the afternoon with bad results, we needed Betty. We did make it to dinner, which was good. But we skipped the show tonight which was Seonaid Aiken, star of a hit show called Barrage. I never heard of it so I think it must be a show in England. During dinner we had a bad storm, a lot of lightning but the seas never got very rough so Betty was disappointed.

We will continue the same course, than at 2:00 a.m. we will alter onto a south westerly course passing Masirah at 5:30 a.m. and continue a south westerly course all day tomorrow.

April 15                      Happy Birthday Brandon!!



This morning the skies are still cloudy but no rain. The balcony was pretty wet, but dried quickly. I sat out this morning for a while and it was refreshing as it was very windy which made it comfortable. Today we were invited to the World Cruisers only cocktail party. The problem is that it was at 10:30 a.m. So we did not go, why a morning cocktail party I don’t know, maybe they figure that people won’t drink at much. Betty returned to trivia today, we didn’t do better with her there. She is still very congested, hoping she gets better before our stop in Jordan which is in 6 days. As we will have a long walk to visit Petra.

The sand in my eyes as finally worked itself out and they feel a lot better. We watched a movie in the afternoon, it was called In Time with Justin Timberlake, it was pretty bad. Tonight’s show features Zach Winningham, we skipped his first show and we are sorry as he was excellent.

Tonight we will maintain the same course then around 4:00 a.m. we alter onto a westerly heading and commence making our approach to Salalah. We expect to embark our pilot at 6:45 and will enter the buoyed channel, pass the break water and make our approach to the berth.