Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Suez Canal Transit

Egypt Flag

Egypt Map

April 23

This morning at 7:00 a.m. we entered the Traffic Separation Scheme through the Strait of Gubal. The strait runs through the Gulf Of Suez. We will continue to transit the the separation scheme as we approach the Suez Canal.

Today Betty attended the 9th Culinary Class by Master Chef Alfredo Marzi. She has learned some good things by attending these. (Not that I will ever use them.) Our full team was back for trivia but we still can’t win. This afternoon we had a port talk on Dubrovnik, Croatia. We are excited about this port and got some good information. We are planning on going ashore with John and Maureen, our friends from Australia.

Today as we sailed thru the Gulf of Suez there was a lot of ship traffic as well as many fisherman. Also many oil rigs in the Gulf that we don’t remember being there before.

We had a special appetizer created by our Master Chef for dinner tonight of Red Snapper cooked in lime and Bacardi rum with avocado and papaya. We also had Mojito’s with our dinner of Surf and Turf. The food these last few days has been exceptional, I think they are preparing for the surveys that will be sent out. 

In the early hours of the morning we will set courses towards Suez bay. Once clearance has been received, the ship will embark our local pilot. With the pilot on board we will take our place within the north bound conveys and proceed onto the Suez channel.


April 24

This morning we set a course toward the eastern channel entrance,


Ships following us in Suez Canal


Military Guard Suez Canal

We passed the Gineifa Signal Tower and then entered Little Bitter Lake.  We passed the WWI memorial on the Port side. I went to deck ten to take some pictures where I got caught up in the deck party and drank too many Champagnes.


WWI War Memorial


New Mosque being built next to canal

We then altered onto a north-westerly heading and entered the eastern branch traffic lane leading into the Great Bitter Lake. From Great Bitter lake, we settled onto a north northerly track and maintained this course thru the eastern branch towards Deversair by-pass which leads to Lake Timsah. We then passed the War Memorial on the starboard side which is the AK-47 memorial to the Egyptian soldiers in the 1973 war. It is in the shape of a AK-47 bayonet.


AJ 47 Bayonet Memorial

We then then continued on our northerly course through the canal as we steamed towards the Al Ballah by pass. Once clear of this area we set a northerly course towards Port Said by-pass. The ship then entered the Mediterranean Sea.

A lot of new construction has occurred since we were here 4 years ago. I recall a lot more security the last time. It was actually cool aboard the ship today, very strange for Egypt, but we will take it. Once we get into the Mediterranean Sea it will start to cool off quickly as we head northeast.

It was Mexican Day at lunch and again it was very good. This morning we spent 4 hours in the buffet talking to people we most likely will never see again. We were just social butterflies today. Everyone skipped morning trivia while sailing thru the Suez Canal but we managed to lose in the afternoon just to keep our record going. We finally have ESPN back so I want to try and catch up on some sports. I see the Tribe has been hot! I hope to catch some of the football draft later this week too.

After we left the Suez Canal we set a North Westerly course before heading west through the Mediterranean Sea. In the early hours of the morning we will alter onto a south westerly course as we head towards Alexandria to embark our pilot. The ship will alter onto a south easterly course and make its way through the buoyed channel. We will then transit the Outer Harbor as we make our way to our dockage.