Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Avoiding Tropical Cyclone Jasmine and Valentines Day

February 14th        Red heart       Happy Valentines Day    Red heart

valentine day

We are on our way to Bay of Islands, New Zealand. We initially made a course of 239 degrees along the coast of the island of Kadavu, before rounding Cape Washington and then setting a course of 218 degrees to avoid Cyclone Jasmine. The seas were very choppy and swells rather large during the night and continued that way thru the day.

This morning Betty and I renewed our wedding vows in front of the entire ship. I think I shocked her that I signed up to do it. I always told her I wouldn’t do, I did it once and meant it then. But I love her more today if that is possible, we are so lucky to have each other.


(The only reason I am sitting in that chair looking silly is because I was surrounded by cakes, candy, chocolate, etc.  Life doesn't get much better that that.).

This afternoon the Scholarship at Sea resumed with WWII Series-The Naval Officers of the Pacific War, always interesting. Following was a Ragtime Piano concert given by the musical director, Tim Barton. He did an excellent job with the piano and gave us some history of the music. 

We had a very nice Valentine’s dinner in the Club Restaurant and afterwards we watch a couple movies.

February 15

We altered our course today, sailing true south to our destination, missing Cyclone Jasmine. The seas still have been choppy with swells, so we need to be careful walking. Today’s Scholarship at Sea WWII series is Australia & New Zealand in the Pacific War. We also had a port talk about our next port, Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Tonight’s show was Bob Anderson, a singer impressionist. He did a good job, he basically only does the rat pack and a couple others. He has a good voice on is own and worked in Vegas for years.

February 16          Last day before our feet are on land again.

We are still heading south and the seas are calm but it is very cloudy with rain on the horizon. Today we have our last WWII lecture as Bruce Petty is disembarking in Auckland. Afterwards is the second lecture by astronaut Robert Springer, followed by a port talk on Auckland, New Zealand. Any blanks in between we will fill in by eating.  (The food on this ship has been excellent so far, which is my downfall.  Bill used to tell everyone we never ate lunch, but now I never miss it.  I’m going to have to double my time in the gym!)

We are scheduled to arrive at Bay of Islands tomorrow morning at around 8:00am.